AMS Sexual Assault Support Center | AMS Sexual Assault Support Center Phone604.827.5180

Rebecca Vecchio Memorial Award

The Rebecca Vecchio Memorial Awards, sponsored by UFCW Local 1518, is for students who are committed to gender equality in actions and behaviours and who advocate against bullying and gender-based violence. The awards are for students who demonstrate these ideals through action by working to foster a safer and more respectful campus community.

These awards are adjudicated by the UBC Equity & Inclusion Office in collaboration with the UBC Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO) and the AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre (SASC).

Application Form Link:

Award information:
There will be two (2) awards for graduate students and three (3) awards for undergraduate students
These are one-time awards offered in 2024
Each award is for $2500

To be considered for this award, applicants must be taking 60% of a full credit load (i.e., full-time standing).

Students can apply regardless of their fee status (domestic, international, exchange), the program they are enrolled in, or their degree (undergraduate or graduate).

Application instructions
Please submit your application by October 15, 2024 (11:59 PM PT) via Qualtrics. In your application, be sure to include:
– all biographic details (see questions below)
– a one-page resume
– an accompanying statement (350-word maximum)

Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed. If you have any questions, please email