January 17, 2013

Research Project: Processes by which Responses to Disclosures of Violence are shaped by Relationship Context

A current UBC Social Work PhD student is seeking current UBC undergraduate students for an online survey.  The research directly relates to the work at the AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre and we support the project.

Research Project: Processes by which Responses to Disclosures of Violence are shaped by Relationship Context

We want to learn about peer relationships and how violent experiences are shared in these relationships. Our goal is to help improve services to students and those impacted by violence.

What’s Involved?
Completing an online survey that is expected to take about 30 minutes of your time. Upon completion of the survey, you will be entered in a draw to win 1 of 5 iPods.

Who is invited?
UBC undergraduate students aged 17 to 24.

For more information, please e-mail disclosure_research@yahoo.com or call (604) 822-5672.

To participate, go to the following website:

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