February 21, 2013

Good Reads

The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Partner Abuse in Activist Communities

The extent of the violence affecting our communities is staggering. Nearly one in three women in the United States will experience intimate violence in her lifetime. And while intimate violence affects relationships across the sexuality and gender spectrums, the likelihood of isolation and irreparable harm, including death, is even greater within LGBTQI communities. To effectively resist violence out there—in the prison system, on militarized borders, or other clear encounters with “the system”—we must challenge how it is reproduced right where we live. It’s one thing when the perpetrator is the police, the state, or someone we don’t know. It’s quite another when that person is someone we call a friend, lover, and trusted ally.

‘ZINE PDF: The Revolution Starts At Home 

Source: INCITE! Women of Colour Against Violence

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