January 30, 2014

Clothesline Project 2014

T-shirt donations are being sought for Clothesline 2014.  Please bring donations to The SASC – SUB #249M during centre hours.

                                     Bearing witness to the impacts of violence

What is the Clothesline Project?

The Clothesline Project was started by a group of women in the United States in 1990. Historically, it was a vehicle for survivors of violence to express their emotions by decorating a shirt. They then hung the shirts on a clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to the problems of violence against women.

As The AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre (SASC) supports male, female, and trans* survivors, our clothesline is not restricted to only women’s experiences of violence. Through the project, survivors are invited to express their feelings about the physical, emotional, and/or sexual violence that they have survived. 

Friends/family/loved ones of survivors, and anyone concerned by the levels of violence in our society are also invited to decorate a shirt.

Clothesline 2014 will be hosted during the week of March 3rd-7th between 11-3 on The SUB Concourse.
                                              Please join us and bring your friends!

Creating a shirt. We would like each shirt to reflect an individual’s personal experience or sentiment. You may include memorabilia, dates, or images.  The AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre will provide paint, shirts, and other materials.
  Shirts will be hung on the clothesline to be displayed and to bear witness.

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